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Mare di Veneto
The conquerors of the Veneto
archipelago raise palaces in
front of the sea. Between the
deep blue and playful seagulls,
the Venetian sea, a mere
highway to many, creates the
proper atmosphere to launch
explorers worldwide. To sail is
Limited Edition 3 Units/Size
size1: 56in x 40in - 142cm x 100cm
Mixed midia on canvas canson@infinity or Hahnemühle
art-audio-guide-Mare di Veneto
00:00 / 01:11
Mare di Veneto
大海的 宫殿。 在深 蓝色和嬉戏的
海 鸥之间,威尼斯的海(对于许
多人来 说仅仅是一条高速公路)
引探 险者的氛围。 航行是必要的。