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Women who revolutionized modern art

Women have always had very important roles throughout history, even though they are often not as recognized as men. So, in relation to Modern Art, it can be no different. However, here the space is theirs! See right now 3 women who revolutionized Modern Art: - First, we must talk about Tarsila do Amaral, a Brazilian woman whose most famous work is "Abaporu". She was responsible for strongly assisting the growth of the Brazilian art scene. - We can also mention the Ukrainian Sonia Delaunay, who in 1964 made history by being the first living female artist to have a retrospective exhibition at the Louvre Museum in Paris. - Last but not least, the French Marie Laurencin. Laurencin was so important to modern art that in 1983 the Musée Marie Laurencin was opened in Japan, becoming the only specialty art museum in the world to focus on a single female painter. Women are revolutionaries, aren't they?

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